Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Milo and Me

<---My baby all better.

Today is my first day off in about 12 days. Technically I am unemployed as of right now, which isn't an entirely bad thing since I really needed the time off. Plus I'm leaving soon and I'll find work down under. It's weird to think of myself as unemployed...not a student, not working, just kind of existing until the next stage of my life. I suppose I'll call myself a world traveller as that sounds more respectable. Then again, some people hear 'world traveller' and think perma-bum. And to those people I say "Your mom's a world traveller...of the street corners." (that was for you Maximus).

So I took Milo into the doctor's today (that would be the bike shop.) Funny that I take him to get fixed before I take myself to get checked out. I think I'll be making a trip to the ER sometime this afternoon or possibly tomorrow morning to check for chipped bones and hairline fractures, so until then I wait. As far as Milo is concerned, he is in pretty decent shape considering the hit we took. I need a new rear wheel, but the frame was in AOK shape. They bent the shifter back into place and everything else looks to be in working condition. This came as a great relief since my bike is basically my new boyfriend and if it weren't for him, I'd have nothing to ride. I got a new helmet since the last one was cracked and as Aaron says "we want to protect what little brain she has left up there." Sad but true.

As badly as I want to get back out there, I'm a little gun-shy. I guess getting hit by a truck will do that. I'm planning on taking today off then getting out early tomorrow for a long but easy stretch. The man who hit me (who is quite possibly the nicest old man on the face of the earth, so nice that I actually feel BAD that he hit me) is going to pay for everything so I think my Pops and I may take a trip up to his house tomorrow. This may sound pretty weird to some people, but I think a lot of good will come of this situation. The guy seems pretty lonely and sad since he lost some of his loved ones, so maybe a few letters from New Zealand will help fill the void in his life. Who knows.

Anyway, I'm off to wait for the insurance company to call and then probably to the ER. And we all know how fun the ER is. I'll send postcards, I promise.



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