Wild Goose Chase
Except we weren't really searching for geese. We were just searching for tracks...and we ended up every which way...which is fine...in a way. Ha. But at the end of two crap days, well it was frustrating. That's ok darling, I still adore you. ;-)But right, so the hike lasted two hours...it was beautiful, but the intention to take pictures kind of slackened once the light grew dim and my spirits lower. Things definitely picked up towards the end though, with the sun casting what little glow it had left over the fields, making the grasses gleam and sparkle. Walking silently hand in hand while listening to the wind blow over us. Special times call for...
FISH AND CHIPS! But they were average, and the lady was lame. So to Woolston (sp?) we'll go again...and again....because on Friday nights, even in the city no one is open!
Seriously people, if this really wants to be considered a city, we need to stay open at the very LEAST until midnight. Get it right folks.What really hacked me off about yesterday though had nothing to do with Fish and Chips. "Average" is still better than "Crap." No, what really got me a bit perturbed was the lady at the copy shop. Let's examine:
I need to make some copies. I go to the copy shop and buy my "copy shop copy card" and I have to put five dollars on it. I only need two copies, which would cost me 14 cents total, but that's how they get you. They make you buy a card...for a minimum of five dollars. Pretty sneaky, eh? I mean, even if you only use it to make those two copies you don't get your money back...plus next time you need to make copies you'll most likely come there. And say the next time you run out of money on your copy card, well you have to buy another one for five bucks. A pretty good system they've got there in reality.
So I buy the damn copy card and the coversation that follows the purchase just makes my jaw drop to the floor. READ:
Nicole: "Excuse me miss, do you think you could help me out with the copy machines?"
19 year old Copy Ho: "It's self service"
Nicole: "I know but I don't know how to use the copy machines, you see I have to make double sided..."
Copy Ho: "It's self service, you just go and do it yourself."
Nicole: "Um ok."
Nicole walks over to the copy machine, puts her card in and stares confused at the machine. Asks man next to her for help, he makes same comment about not knowing anything about copy machines, that he has already wasted 2 dollars of his copy card trying to figure it out and how the Copy Ho would not help him either. Nicole, unwilling to waste the precious $5 on her copy card ceases to care whether or not she looks stupid for not knowing how to use a copy machine because, let's face it, who really cares about looking stupid for not knowing how to use a copy machine??? She returns to face the Copy Ho.
Nicole: "EXCUSE ME MISSSSSSSSSSS...Could you PLEASE come help me. I'm sorry but I just don't know how to use these things."
Copy Ho: (rising from game of computer solitaire). OK well you blahdy blah blah blah i'm a stupid bitch and i'm going to talk down to you because you don't know how to use our copy machines...and look oh, the right size paper isn't even in the copy machine...you are sooo STUPID for not having known how to change it. And look at these buttons that don't even have english written on them...don't you know that you have to push them in the same order that the planets orbit the sun in order to make a double-sided copy? God I am just so much better than you for knowing how to make double sided copies, aren't I? Wow, i should be given an award and extra money for having to take a break from my extremely important game of computer solitaire...and there. Do you understand NOW?"
Nicole: "Thank you soooo much for your help MISSSSSSSS?" (Sarcasm; Sneer)
I mean seriously...has anyone ever mentioned to this girl anything about customer service??? I think NOT. Dumb copy ho. She'll never go further than that computer solitaire game anyway.
I'm over it, really I am...but it does make for good reading, doesn't it? Ugh.
But then there are good parts too about people...I met a man from America today, Don, at the place where I got my car inspected and repaired (again). He was the manager and said he could set me up with a nice exchange and a good (reliable) car that would do me no wrong. He seemed really understanding of my situation and was amazed to hear that I had come here all alone. It's an interesting feeling running into Americans in this country. It's almost a feeling of..."Oh my god...one of my own kind!" Like a tiger having found another tiger amongst a bunch of lions. It's a cool feeling also, to find such national solidarity with people we may otherwise never have felt that way about. Puts a whole new spin on the idea of American Pride...not because I am proud of my government or the way it has been doing ANYTHING as of late (what is it i'm reading about bribery scandals???), but because I am still kind of proud to be associated, if only by nationality, with kind people like Don.
Not too much reflection on the past 48-72 hours. It has just been a long two and a half days and I'm tired, to say the least. What have we learned? People can be great, and people can suck the big one. One minute someone is breaking into your car, the next minute someone is trying to help you fix it. One person thinks they are the copy machine goddess of the world, another wants to help you find something that will make life easier on you. So I guess we shouldn't lose complete faith in humanity. Because everyone's not bad...it's just a bit of a judgement call. Right? And maybe if all of us who have ever felt violated or wronged worked towards making sure others didn't feel that way...well then things would just continue to get better and better.
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