Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Mud, Blood and Mountain Biking

Bikes are cool for many reasons but in the past few decades they have become even cooler, mainly because there are so many different types of bikes. One can find a bike to act as a car on the road, or a different type to take you places cars could never go. So while road biking is still very cool because of the challenge it presents and excercise it affords, mountain biking is also very cool. It is technical and requires more than just athleticism. It is scary and gets your adrenaline running. It is the quintessence of being amongst nature, especially when riding through little tunnels made by overhanging pine tree branches. It is also cool because, let's face it, there is nothing more badass than whipping through the forest on two wheels and some metal.

In all honesty, I do not "Whip" through anything just yet. But I'm working up to it.

Every Thursday, which I am now officially dubbing "Craig and Nicole Day", Craig and I take a mountain bike trip to Bottle Lake Forest Park. And every week I fall down and bleed. Bleed bleed bleed. Everywhere. Two weeks ago it was so bad I couldn't wear pants for four days because the open wound would stick to the pants. Eww. That set me back a few steps. I'll get pictures up here soon. I couldn't resist. It was just gaping.

So after the mountain biking and the bleeding, we've started a new "C&N Day" tradition (ok so we've done it once) where we go to one of the local pools called QEII. This complex is simply beautiful and it reminds me of some of the nicest places I've had meets in. Once there I do a few laps in the competition pool (which is set for 50 wretched metres) and then we go off into the recreation pools which are fantastic. There is a lazy river, a huge wave pool, a small wading pool, two spas, a sauna, a steam room and some water slides. It's a good place to just kind of play around and loosen up our legs. Craig is also allowing me to teach him some swimming. I figured that since he's teaching me so much about biking, that I could teach him a little about what I know. He's quite good and can kick in the streamline without breathing for nearly 25 meters. Not bad for a non-fish.

So that is a bit of what "Craig and Nicole day" is like. Usually anywhere from 3-6 hours of fun, healthy exercise. Wow, I'm a tool.

Along with fun days off, I've been having some pretty good days at work. I'm still the top sale's person and I'm getting to quite a high amount for this month. I'm pretty stoked that this is only my second full month and my sales are already in the 6-figure marks. I like this whole selling thing. Not sure if it's my cup of tea for forever, but it's definitely going to help me in my quest to get home (and travel other places) for the next few years.

Speaking of traveling home, my visa is currently being processed and I'm just waiting on a result. I hope it all goes well, though I expect it will. I'll be simply gutted if things don't work out. But if they don't, I'll just find a way to stay here illegally. Maybe I'll sell organs on the black market.

A few more do-dads here and there. Sadly, my parents have decided to sell our home. With good reasons...they'll be able to come see me more!!! So while I am a bit teary-eyed (ok I was in hysterics over it at first) I have seen the silver lining and am hoping that they sell it sooner rather than later. It's funny, but I think they realized much sooner than I did that I was probably not going to be coming home. At least not living at home with them permanently ever again. I've begun to make a little life of my own here, and even if we don't stay in Christchurch forever, I think I've officially "left the nest" or whatever they say. Hell, Craig and I are even looking at getting our own place, mainly for investment purposes, within the next year or so. We're also looking into getting a dog as well, which I can't WAIT for.

I suppose this is the best update I can give for the time being. I've got a lot planned for the next few years so we shall see how things go. I do know that I'm quite happy that I've found my little niche in the cycling world and that New Zealand is treating me so well. America could learn a lot from this country...especially about healthcare and social welfare systems. Maybe I should call up the US and tell them. Hmmm.

I will be back with updates on my visa renewal so all you people who hoped I'd never return to the states can know whether or not to start the party. :-)


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Long Rambling Update That Is Neither Interesting Nor Boring...You Decide

It has been entirely too long since my last post. I've found that when life picks up, changes, or shifts even slightly from the norm, the routine things fall to the wayside, making room for the mind to accommodate new stresses. Unfortunately my writing is one of those things left so carelessly aside. I'm a bit rusty, but there's plenty to tell, so let the story begin.

We last left off with moi, dealing with the near hopeless immigration policies of the New Zealand government. In all fairness, they are much more lenient than other places, but until one tries to actually move to a new country, one has no IDEA just how difficult it can be. But in the end, all fees have been paid, all tests have been done and all (ok most) letters have been written. I've compiled a filing cabinet-sized folder of information about me, my qualifications, my disposition, personal history, medical tests, police records (the FBI is actually still working on that one), relationship details, pictures, letters of support, proof of education and intelligence, bank records, proof of occupation, right down to the valentine's day cards Craig and I exchanged this past February. It was a hassle, yes and no. Most of it was quite easily obtained...some of it was harder. I had some trouble with one of the blood tests. Apparently, for one of the blood tests, they test three different ways. The two first (and most reliable) ways came out negative, the third, a weakly responsive. Meaning I had to have the test redone. Of course, I was more concerned that I had some sort of blood poisoning and it seemed that no one could really inform me about what was going on. Well, after nearly two weeks of mucking around, my doctor finally informed me that the test arrived back negative this time (as she expected it should) and that there must have been some sort of protein or something in my blood to tweak it off. Apparently this happens a lot. Apparently they shouldn't even bother with this test.

That being said, it seems that all is in order for me to remain in this lovely country down under for a bit longer. Let's put it this way, they've let worse characters than me stay here for much longer.

Other news...the job is going wonderfully. I still love going to work and I have made quite a little saleswoman of myself. In my first month I was the top salesperson by nearly $9000 and because of my good work, my boss and manager decided to put me onto commission straight away (normally there is a three month trial period). I think leaving my job at the swim school was quite possibly the best move I ever made. I may not be earning as much at first glance, but in reality once you subtract the cost of gas to get out there, I am much more ahead than I was before. It is a fantastic feeling to walk into a store and say "ooo, what a nice shirt, I think I'll buy it" instead of "ooo what a nice shirt, wish I had the money for it." Security is an amazing thing, and even though I pride myself on NOT becoming one of those people mortgaged to the hilt and spending heaps of money they don't have, I definitely enjoy a bit of cozier living now and again. Hell, for the first time in a nearly a year I had my hair cut by an actual professional at a hair salon instead of the students at the academy. And it cost me $100. And I don't friggen care! Ha! I don't think I've ever spent that much on my hair...ever. And it was great.

While on the topic of hair, I should mention that I went with my new friend Lisa who is just a darling. She is actually the wife of my manager, and no I'm not trying to get on the boss' good side. Lisa and I are now going to try to do some fun girlie things every once in a while on our days off. We're looking into spas and massage therapy and we've found a pretty decent homeopathic place quite near to where I'm living. When did I become so pampered? Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be living like this.

On top of having met Lisa, I've also gotten on quite well with my coworkers. There is definitely more to the story than that, but it is too much to get into.

Things with Craig are going well, including his business. I am so unbelievably proud of him and all that he's achieved. He is getting some thing laser cut for his frames in the next few weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

All in all life is grand. Of course I still miss home (will I ever stop?) but after some calculations by Craig tonight, we figured I would be able to save up at least enough money to go home three times a year, without even pushing my budget too much. That is certainly exciting. Once every four months should be PLENTY for the Knapp family. But that's the beautiful thing about my new job...I can always work overtime and make more money, where out at the swim school, I couldn't.

Finally, the most grand news is probably that Sarah is coming to visit. I'm sure I mentioned this before, but it's kind of my Christmas and New Years present. I can't wait to see her. It has been much too long.

So yeah, that's the update. For those of you who know more of what is going's probably not much new. For those of you just tuning in, well, that's a lot in a very tiny nutshell. Let's just say (in case I've forgotten to say it before) as scary as it was to come here all alone, I could not be happier with my decision. I've found a niche, a job I love, a man I adore, and nature's playground at my fingertips. What more could one ask for?? And with modern tech these days, I still get to have my family in my life.

It truly is a beautiful world.