Another Update
Hmm, I've become pretty inconsistent here. Something's better than nothing though, eh? With the turning of the weather here in NZ, things are quieting down at the shop and I'm quickly losing interest. Boredom is probably one of my least favorite things next to flying and heights which pretty much coincide (one way or another). Other things have taken up my interest though, a new business, a real estate course, continued training, dancing the night away with good friends. My trip home to New York is rapidly approaching and I have much to do before I leave. Five weeks just doesn't seem like enough, but I'll make it work.
Despite sounding a bit flat, the good things in life are abundant right now. I have been thinking a lot (as I do) especially concerning people and their motivation (or lack thereof). I think too many people in this world want something for nothing and that annoys me. The only way to get somewhere is to work hard and I'm slightly fed up with the throngs of people complaining about being stuck in some sort of rut. Do something about it if you're so unhappy! It's definitely not easy to do, but the end result is so worth it. I suppose this musing isn't nearly as entertaining as my past posts back from late 2005 (i was re-reading them and chuckling to myself the other day) but it's important and needs to be put out there.
My most recent observation is this--without putting ideas and plans into action, you get nowhere. All you end up having is an idea or a plan. Even if it's written out 100 times or discussed with everyone you know or thought about until you can't see straight....without actually DOING IT, it's still just a thought. Which is why in this world there are those who let life take them along for the a current in a river or ocean. And then there are those who choose their own direction and map out their own path and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Instead of succumbing to the whims of the world and "good luck" and "bad luck", they create their own opportunities, make their own "good luck", and reap the benefits of putting brilliant thoughts into action.
That being said, I'm super-motivated to be a doer, to be a trail-blazer and to ACT towards all of my many goals. I know that with this attitude there is no place for failure. Good things are here right now and I know more great things are to come. The future is certainly very, very bright. :-)