Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Back in business

Today was my first day back on the road since the big saga began and I couldn't have felt better. We didn't ride terribly far and the hills were MIA, but it was a good way to start out. Milo handled fine and I managed to keep my spaz level down considering my newly restored fear of traffic. I tried like crazy to keep up with the asst. today and when he let me, I enjoyed the wonders of drafting. I did manage to pass him in Otsiningo on the straightaway. It was a very short-lived victory, but a victory all the same.

I also met with Donald today, the man who hit me. As I stated before he is quite possibly the nicest old man I have ever met. Seeing his home and speaking with him about his life definitely gave me even more perspective on who he is and what he has been through. Let's put it this way...getting hit by a truck was a party compared to the troubles this man has had to overcome. He gave me a tour of his little farm, which was occupied by ducks and goats, geese and chicken, a few cows, some horses, quite possibly the largest pigs I have ever seen, and the place was simply swarming with bees (as he keeps them for their honey). He cut off some honeycomb for my father and I to try and it was delicious. The honey was better than anything store-bought and the comb was chewy just like gum. He sent me home with some extra for my tea.

Donald lives without electricity, indoor plumbing or electric heat and seems quite content with this lifestyle. I've come to learn that just because someone is without the luxuries that I have grown dependent upon, doesn't mean they are unhappy or underprivileged. On the contrary, I think that if Donald wanted to, he could live in a very fine condo anywhere in the country. He simply chooses not to. All material things set aside, I've realized just how lonely this man is and I hope that somehow this whole incident will change that. I asked him if it would be alright for me to send him letters and he replied enthusiastically that it would give him something to look forward to. I hope that a letter every now and then from New Zealand will help to ease some of the loneliness that he has been living with.

So that was my day with Donald. I also met with the insurance company which was an absolute joy and I have been bombarded by calls from the doctor's office insisting I come in for a follow-up. Funny how one can't ever get an appointment with a doctor, but now they are beating down my door like I'm a celebrity. Ha.

That's the news from the American front...I've got a lot coming up on my agenda within the next few weeks and the 25th is quickly approaching. Until then...


ps-I forgot to mention that Donald's truck was filled with loaves of bread the day he hit me (I know it's a really strange thing to notice during an accident like that)...but I basically got run over by a breadtruck. Yeah, I know it's lame, but I laughed and you should too. :-P


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