Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fall Mornings

I am drinking coffee which is a huge no-no in my book. I'm scared of getting addicted, but right now I just need it. Lots needs to get done today and I needed some sort of boost. Good times last night with Ash and this random group of people I met. Again, I will reiterate my statements from earlier...sick of meeting cool new people who I'm going to bail on. Came home at 3:30. Nights keep getting later as my time here gets shorter. Weird.

So last night reminded me of a fun story from last year. Well, not so much last night because I remember last night, but this morning...and simply because it is a cool, autumn-esque morning. Share, you say? Alright if you insist. This morning reminds me of last October when I awoke in Sarah FitzPatrick's bed up at Clarkson, fully clothed, with blood on my face and eyeliner running down my eyes. Thanks to her friendly sororiety sisters, I had found my way back to her house, but was unable to find my way into the house itself. The landlord who was residing upstairs appreciated this fully...what was his name? Ahh, I can't remember, but I do remember the lovely tales his tenants told me about him and his threats to call the cops. I don't remember falling down the concrete flight of stairs and slicing open my upper lip or bawling to her roommate about my evening lost in Potsdam (which i was never really lost in the first place, I just assumed that I was). So how does this fall morning remind me of all that? Well, that next morning, after we cleaned oursevles up, she took me to the best pancake place in the the whole state, possibly the whole country. You want to know how good it was? It was so good I don't even remember the name and I think it's because I was just so in awe of the magnitude and deliciousness of the pancakes that their name completely slipped my mind. That being said, I should have had pancakes this morning, but then again I didn't fall down any stairs so I don't know how those two correlate. I could say that I should have pancakes to commemorate the beginning of the autumn chill but then I'd probably be having pancakes everyday to honor any change in the weather pattern. Whatever the case, that weekend will always be remembered as my craziest weekend to date. I think I'm a bit nostalgic too since I leave tomorrow and I will not have a chance to have another weekend like that with Sarah in a very long time. Boo.

Wow it's amazing what coffee will do to you as a non-regular drinker of the stuff. I don't think I have much more to say but I just can't help myself. The sounds of the keys on my laptop are like the notes of an orchestra and I can't bear to turn away. I should go do something productive with this energy I have, maybe record the sounds of keys typing and then listen to them as I clean and pack. Weirdo. Oh, on another note, last night was the farm party up at was sad not being there for that. That was always a pretty sweet party. Getting dressed up like hicks has always been one of the best times. Maybe I'll show up in NZ dressed in overalls and a farmers hat, chewing on a piece of straw. I could pretend that I'm really out of the time and call the airplane 'that darned flying machine' whenever I talked about it. I could act scared of all the cars and pretend I don't know how to use computers. Then when people ask where I'm from I can tell them 'the United States...the south...the deep south. Yeah the part Bush is from." And then everyone will understand.



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