Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Welcome to 22...

Please keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times.

Well I guess it's bound to happen to everyone. We graduate from that incredible age of 21 into a true member of the twentysomething generation. Good ol' 22. There's not much to say about it; every year feels less and less like a birthday and more and more like another regular day.

I spoke with Jackie this past spring about how, as young children, we are typically adorned with gifts and attention on our birthdays. Unfortunately that is what we come to expect as we grow older. Well, I have decided that the day of our birth should not just be a celebration of our existence in society, but also another chance to contribute to do something special. To give purpose to having been born into this world or to overcome the natural limits one sees everyday. Instead of saying, "it's my birthday, what can you do for me?" we should be saying "I was put on this earth, let's see what I can do for it." Yes, very JFK I know.

Now don't read me wrong here...I don't believe that we should wait until our birthdays to do something special for society or this planet or another person or even ourselves, but I definitely feel that doing something more meaningful than sitting around, receiving presents and eating cake would make birthdays much more memorable. Especially now that there really aren't anymore milestone bdays left (for me and most of my friends at least). For example: a typical 21st birthday is one for the memory banks or not, depending on how much one drinks and how well one holds his or her liquor. But 22 will run into 23 and then into 24 and it just won't be special or memorable anymore. How about for number 22 you plant a tree or four; at 23 you run a marathon; 24 you work in a soup kitchen; etc. I have certainly not put this plan into effect this year as I enjoyed a nice night out with the 'rentals and I most definitely plan on partying it up tomorrow upon Sarah and Ron's return, but it has really been on my mind. It was actually my original plan to do something special for my 22nd but this century race that I am going to attempt was unfortunately on the 18th rather than the 15th. So I am reluctantly substituting a little here and there as far as dates are concerned. But no matter. I honestly don't know how much of a social contribution it is to ride 100 miles on a bike, but it will definitely be something I remember about the beginning of my 22nd year of life.

So that is a lot of weird thought, but it is late and I have been very thoughtful all day. Thank you all for your wonderful notes and calls--they mean more than presents or alcohol or cake ever will (yes even cake for those of you who know about my cake obsession). For those of you in the us downtown for a romping good time tomorrow (9/16). And for those of you outside of my little Bingo bubble I miss you all so much and wish you could be here with me!



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