Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Flat and happy

haha that is the best title's like 'fat and happy' only it's flat and happy...ok i'm dumb.

so last night i stayed outside of the city with this great guy i met a few months ago online. yes i'm sketchy i know. but he was awesome and i met his flatties and they were awesome and gave me tons of great advice. woohoo.

but i'm staying in the city tonight bc i made a friend (yes i did, i did). his name is brett and he is from cali. he is awesome and i will hear nothing said bad about him ever. we're going to travel south together after doing a mini-trip of the north island. i am very excited. we are going car shopping today (i am buying the car to have and he is paying all gas and expenses until we part ways). it will be pricey and a crap-shoot but whatever. life's short, i need a car to get to cool places and it ends up jsut being way cheaper over a year's time. i've also been in touch with a very nice grad student down in christchurch who has a flat available (hence teh title). she sounds completely amazing and the rent is relatively reasonable. it would just be her and i and i am very excited that i will probably be living with her. the bedroom is fully furnished with sheets and everything so no worries with that area. christchurch is also great for training cycling..which is my big thing as most of you know now. i have to get a bike, and i met a man named "chickenman" yesterday in a bike shop and he recommended me to some places. also said that if i was interested in work, the one place may be interested in hiring me to show me the ropes bc they need girls to work there to attract more female (and male i suppose) cyclists, and they are just cool guys. so how sweet is that? i also applied to work at a local pool basically as the manager/events coordinator. and then, i will waitress and bartend and lick people's feet for money too if necessary.

so today is to be spent searching for a car. once i have that, i can leave my life in there and have no thoughts about letting my pack explode. i don't liek going into it to get things out bc it is packed so tightly. so i have been wearing teh same pair of socks since i got here...four days exactly ewwww. i have changed my undies and my friend let me wash my towels and clothes from the planed at his place last night. so i'm not too dirty, just my feet, but feet are supposed to be dirty, so no worries.

alright then, i don't have much more to say and i think my time is running out on thie interenet cafe nonsense. i am much more happy than i was two days ago and i appreciate all the amazing help that everyone has sent my way. i'll be back soon!


ps they have this amazing smell here in NZ. i think it is like a common room spray deoderizer or something and it makes me want to make out with the wall.


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