Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Born in the USA

Since travelling here to New Zealand I have been many, many places. To the northmost point where the oceans meet, to the rainforest, to the eastern beaches of the north island, to the caves of Waitomo and all across the South Island. I have many more placecs to visit, but I have realized that those places do not simply exist here in NZ. Since being here, after talking to my flatmates about their own country and fielding questions about mine, I have discovered that I have taken for granted the place of my birth. I have been made aware of the wonders that the United States contains, from the Grand Canyon, to Yellowstone, to the Rocky Mountains and everywhere along the way. I have even managed to allude NYC, even living just three hours away.

That is not to say that I haven't seen quite a bit of the US...San Fran, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, etc...but I really feel that a trip around the United States is much overdue, especially now that I have seen more of NZ than I have of my own country. Yes, yes, this place is much smaller, but at the same time, if you do a ratio, it works out.

Well, that is my great insight on my need to become closer to home. Interesting that one needs travel 9000 miles away to realize they have taken their home for granted.

In other news...I chopped my hair off. Well, not in most people's terms. I definitely had five or six inches cut off, so even though it is still long, it is not nearly as long as it was before. I love it though. Much easier to take care of and not so ratty looking. I know you were all worried about my no need to fear it is doing fine.

Not much else to talk about today...just typical, work, bike, play, hang out, etc. It's strange not having homework to do in my free time. I visited Erin's University yesterday and it made me miss school a whole lot.

I would like to wish the Hamilton Swim Team the best of luck in their first day of practice. I hope it is nothing short of amazing (as it always was.) Good luck this year crew!



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