Nicole's Tour

A compilation of the experiences that the upcoming year holds for me. Add a pinch of sarcasm and a dash of poetic spirit...and hopefully all will turn out alright.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Yes I did it. After nearly six months in this country, I've accepted the undeniable fact that shoes are going to cost me half my week's wages and my first born and I've caved and bought a pair. "A pair of what?" You may ask. A pair of running shoes of course. And after spending that much money on them, the first thing I did was go for a nice brisk jog. Yes a jog. Until I can run at the pace I ran at with Justin, this is a jog. But it ended up being a good half hour, plus a little down time watching ducks in the stream and listening to some oldies but goodies on the iPod.

It was hard and as far as running is concerned I am badly out of shape. But it did feel so good, because aside from dancing down the sidewalks, when I listen to some of my favorite music, the only thing I want to do is run. I just can't get the same effect out of biking. I missed having Justin there with me, as he always helped me to run harder and faster so I could keep up with him. But his inspiring words were there in my head as I focused on my form and breathing. I do miss the beautiful scenary of Hamilton College because although I am in New Zealand I am in the city, and I can't justify driving all the way out to the beach or all the way up into the hills just yet as I can't really go for more than a half hour. Gas is just much too expensive. So instead of the Glen and the quaint little town of Clinton with it's flowers and grassy town centers, I experienced shopping malls and traffic lights, crosswalks and plenty of cars. The saving grace was the wee little park hidden amongst the trees that ran directly next to one of the little rivers that winds through the city.

So in effect, I will be hurting tomorrow but I feel great today and even though I am missing the comforts of home (which was actually college) I am reminded that this place too will become home. That I will find something that makes me feel as spirited as the Glenn. A road as sweet as College Hill. I know I won't be able to replace my running partner, but oh the stories I'll have to tell him.



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